октября 21, 2010

Welcome back to school!

Homework 7A:

1) Laser SB ex. 1 p. 14
2) Laser WB ex. 1 p. 9
3) Grammar № 1, 2 (see below)
4) Translate the sentences (see below)

Homework 7B:

1) Learn Grammar Rules Stative Verbs + New Words (REVISE! TEST!)
2) Laser SB ex. 1 p. 15 (read the letter and answer the questions)
3) Grammar № 1, 2

№ 1. Put the verbs into Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1.    It _____ (to be) nice to meet new teachers and friends.
2.    My mother _____ (to pick) me up at school every day.
3.    I _______________ (rarely to read) in bed.
4.    My parents ___________ (not to get) angry when I get stuck.
5.    My brother __________ (to take) a driving course this week.
6.    Now I ______ (to study) Science.
7.    I am really annoyed because my dog ____  (always to eat) my h/w.
8.    What time _____________ (you to start) your school every day?
9.    My English ________________ (to get) better and better.
10.    I ___________(to know) that English is easy.

№ 2. Put the verbs into Present Simple or Present Continuous.

   1. Where is Tom? - He _________ (he/have) a shower.
   2. _______________ (I/not/watch) TV very often.
   3. Listen! Somebody ______________ (to sing).
   4. Sandra is tired. ______________(she/want) to go home now.
   5. How often ______________ (you/read) a newspaper?
   6. Excuse me but_________ (you/sit) in my place. Oh, I am sorry!
   7. I'm sorry! ______ (I/not/understand). Can you speak more slowly?
   8. It's late. ______(I/go) home now. _________ (you/come) with me?
   9. What time _______ (your father/finish) work in the evenings?
  10. You can turn off thge radio. ______________ (I/not/listen) to it.
  11. Where's Paul? - In the kitchen __________ (he/cook) something.
  12. Martin____(not/usually/drive) to work. He_____ (usually/walk)
  13. Sue_________ (not/like) coffee. __________(she/prefer) tea.
  14. Excuse me. ______________(you/speak) English.

4) Translate the sentences:

1.    У меня отличные оценки (marks) в моем отчете.
2.    Я увлекаюсь экспериментами (to do experiments in) по химии и физике.
3.    Я считаю (to find) географию немного скучной.
4.    Мы будем сдавать экзамен по истории (to take a History Exam)  через пару лет.
5.    Я стараюсь из все сил набить руку в игре на скрипке (the violin).
6.    Отчеты информируют (to inform) о ваших успехах (progress).
7.    Тренера (trainers) помогут с спортивным оборудованием в спортзале.
8.    Я решил (to decide) работать усерднее (to study harder), чтобы улучшить свой французский.
9.    Мой одноклассник всегда рассказывает шутки на уроке. Это раздражает!
10.    По моему мнение (In my …), история – сложный предмет, потому что занимает много времени (to take a lot of …)

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